Little does he know that Jakob is a member of the U.S. Army, his wife has left him, and he might in fact be stationed in Germany!
Alexander also mentions that daughters Selma and Frieda, still living at home in Schubin, may be better off immigrating to America (which they later do, Frieda after her marriage to Salo Brunn in 1926, and Selma after her escape to England in World War II.)
He makes a curious remark about the lack of a dowry for Frieda and Selma and how that limits their opportunities for marriage in Germany - hence he writes "Below thousand dollar no Jewish boy would take the bait."
Again he mentions that he has not heard from daughter Cylli, who has married a non-Jew, which he was and still is against.
And lastly, he comments on he and his wife's advanced age - " Mum is 65 and I am 67 years old. Mum looks pretty good but I am already shrunken."
Below are the original letters, followed by the English translation.
Schubin 30.12.19
Dear daughter Anna!
You will probably already hold our letters in your hands. Theo and Philipp haven't arrived so far and haven't written. Now I want to tell you, you and Martha, that you weren't informed very good by the bank where you made the money-order for the 100 Dollar (50 Dollar each), so go there and complain. One Dollar is to be paid here for 47 Mark. But we got paid today for a low exchange-rate of 40 Mark. If the Dollar costs 40 Mark (and here the bank hasn't earned so far), so they have to pay 4000 Mark for the 100 Dollar. So a difference of at least 1300 Mark, because the bank paid us only about 2670 Mark. Of course, you will request information about it and please report to us also.
The longed peace is again postponed. As soon as it is peace and the intense cold is over, we will try to find an appropriate place. I dont want to live with the children; and like to be independent. But have to work for the income.
Although your offer made us happy and moved us to tears, we cannot accept it with light heart. But come time, come advise.
We would be happy if we get a message from Jakob. I imagine the worst, because so heartless can't the good boy be. As soon as you get a message, inform us.
Hopefully you both and the little one are fine. Greet Martha, Benny and the boys. I will also write to Cylli Markheim. She wants to come to Berlin for a visit and told us, that she hasn't seen Martha since years. I believe, that she wrote the letter at the order of the aunt. May she be like she is, she can't help it.
Mum always speaks "ah, if we had the children be here" But why? Would make sense for you?
Below thousand dollar no Jewish boy would take the bait. If I had to decide, Selma and Frieda would also go across the sea.
We all have to separate one day and how fast can come the death.
Mum is 65 and I am 67 years old. Mum looks pretty good but I am already shrunken.
From Cylli Eilenberg no message since weeks. I was against the marriage, therefore I dont expect much but would be glad if I am wrong. She will always be Jewish.
Now dear children fare well and be heartily greeted by your deeply loving parents.
[from Frieda]
Dear sister Anna!
I also don't want to miss to congratulate you on your coming birthday. May you and yours always be fine. But above all the dear God may give you a long lasting health.
This and more wishes, your loving sister Frieda.