In this letter, written to her older sister Anna who was living with her family in Brooklyn, New York, she repeats the refrain written by several of her siblings and parents. That is that life in Schubin had become so difficult that it was time to move. She apparently was dismissed from her job because of her inability to speak Polish. She was 19 years old at the time of this letter.
Several of her brothers had already moved to Berlin as well as Leipzig, and life promised to be a bit better, if not perfect for this Jewish family.
Below is the original letter, followed by the English translation.
With thanks to Matthias Steinke, below is the English translation:
Schubin, 12 December 1919
My very dear ones!
I also want to write a few lines to you beloved. You can imagine the joy as your photos arrived early this morning.
The little girl is cute and also you, beloved Anna, look very good. In near future I'll send you and the dear Marta also a picture from me.
As I saw the image of the little (girl), it reminded me of a photo with Heinz, because he was photographed in exactly the same position. Heinz and Hanna are the children of Karl. I long for them very much, but I hope to be in Berlin in summer, and look forward for it very much.
January we will all be in Labischin with Julius, there will be then Jewish pleasure. Theo and Philip will come home soon for recovery, then hopefully it won't be as boring as now.
I had a job in an office until recently, but I was dismissed because I do not understand Polish. To be honest, I wasn't really concerned about it, because then I can leave Schubin much earlier.
You wrote, that we shall tell you what we need. We don't need anything so far except the shoes and thank you very much.
You have a very very good heart, and I hope that we can thank you and the beloved Marta for all the good personally.
Now I will close, because it's already time to go to sleep.
Now be all greeted and kissed a thousand times by you of your loving,