He criticizes his son Julius for his idleness. We know that Julius is a gambler and eventually deserted his wife Dorka and children Lilly and Lothar.
He also mentions his son Moritz and his illness. But he congratulates Moritz' wife Clara for taking good care of her husband.
He states that he has not heard from son Jakob, which seems not unusual, since Alexander did not hear from Jakob for many years.
And lastly, he mentions the passing of a friend in Schubin and the fact that there were only 4 Jewish families left in that town. The exodus of Jewish families began in the 1910s, including the Braunhart family. It is sad to see that this town, once full of so many Jewish families now is reduced to just a few. And considering that Alexander's father Lewin Jakob Braunhart was the leader of the school for over 50 years in the 1800s, this is a sad result of the exodus.
Below is the postcard, which is followed by the English translation:
Thanks to our good friend Matthias Steinke for this translation of the postcard to English:
Berlin, 11.4.27
Dear children and grandchildren! Please excuse dear Anna that I answer your last letter only today. Because I didn't feel comfortable a couple of days.
I am sorry that your business isn't lucrative at the moment. But unfortunately it seems, that this happens in the entire world, especially here. So don't send anything, if you have to limit yourself, this would make me very sad.
I will write to Marta next. I have no news from Jakob nor from Frieda. Frieda wrote to Selma and that's sufficient.
With Julius is nothing going on. He wastes the years with idleness and lives off my money.
Nothing heard from Cylli and also Moritz is silent. I assume, that he is always ill. His wife is a well-behaved and good person.
I feel very lonely and am still looking around for mother. Now I know, what she was for me.
Concerning the legacy still no information from the consulate. From Russia no informations for a month. The 16th. next month has aunt her birthday. Do you, Frieda and Martha congratulate?
Greet Benny, Martha and children. Otherwise, nothing new.
Glaser Arndt is deceased. Now are only 4 Jewish families left in Schubin.
Now farewell and be greeted by your loving father.