Father Alexander Braunhart writes that things are getting worse. He hears nothing from son Julius, son Theo is barely surviving, and daughter Selma has taken a reduction in pay but is working. Son Karl is not doing well and son Moritz has not been working for years.
There are a couple of mysteries in this postcard, which hopefully can be solved in further letters. He speaks of "Johs" which cannot be translated and "Heintz" which is easily translated. Alexander writes of them as if they are family - but we know nothing of these names!
This is a short writing but at least informs us of the state of most of the Braunhart family in Berlin at this time.
Below is the postcard, followed by the English translation.
Again, much thanks to our fantastic translator, Matthias Steinke for the following English translation:
Berlin 16 February 1931
Dear children and grandchildren!
Confirm your last letter and also the one from Heintz(?), which I will answer soon.
And the local guys are as ...lazy as Martha. Greet Martha, Benny and children.
Here its getting day after day more worse but I am happy that Selma kept her job with lowered money.
Theo earns only his meals.
And also with Karl its not good.
I hear nothing from Julius. But he is self responsible for his well-being.
With Johs.(?) its a pitty and we help as far as its possible. (He) lives now near us, because he couldn't afford the
rent anymore. Jakob sent $10 recently which I gave Johs? for his moving.
I am sorry that I cant write more rants.
You also have to fight hard for existence.
I believe it will be better soon. Moritz earns nothing since years. Clara, who has a real good job, supports him. They live happy and content.
All are visiting us often.
Greet also the Brunns and child.
Also you be greeted by you you loving father and grandfather.