There is much more to relate regarding Theo, but that will be written in future articles.
There is one line that is remarkable in its simplicity of warning. Because we know what happened to Theo's niece (and Karl's daughter) Hanna at Auschwitz just a couple of years later - it is quite disturbing. This postcard was written in April, 1940. Karl had escaped to America in January, 1939, and his wife Hedwig in February, 1940. Hanna stayed behind for some unknown reason.
Theo warns Anna to inform Karl that Hanna needs help. We do know that Karl wired money to Hanna in 1941 (by virtue of the Jewish Transmigration Records). That is all we know of Hanna's situation. Tragically, we know the later outcome of her staying in Germany.
But this writing is primarily about Theo's liberation and his appreciation to sister Anna for her help. It is simply written, but powerful in its meaning.
Below is the postcard, followed later by the English translation.
With thanks to Matthias Steinke, below is the English translation:
Trieste, the 10th April 1940
Dear Anna and all beloved,
So, tomorrow I am going on the ship.
Its not to describe, how I feel in freedom. One has to get used to it.
I will write more details from the ship.
So far, I thank you that you helped me.
Karl shall get something for Hanna, it's urgent.
In the meantime many hearty greetings to you all,
Your Theo.