George Gandel, who later married Sara Selma Braunhart, also was in Shanghai.
The Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum has a list of the thousands of Jewish refugees who escaped the Nazi occupation.
Below is a list of the Braunhart and Gandel addresses and occupations while they were in Shanghai:
Theodor Braunhart - 350/137 Chusan Lu - Street Salesman
Lothar Braunhart - 350/137 Chusan Lu - Waiter
Doris Braunhart - 350/137 Chusan Lu - No occupation
Lilly Hoorin - 350/137 Chusan Lu - No occupation
George Gandel - 630 Haimen Lu - Salesman
Lilly was either married (or divorced) at the time to Alexander Hoorin who was a journalist/correspondent. He does not appear in the database. Here is a photo of Lilly and Alexander in better days: