Philipp's greatest act of courage came a few short years later. There is much written about the Nuremberg Laws, which attempted to define who was a Jew and who wasn't. Furthermore, there is much ambiguity about forced divorce between German non-Jews and German Jews. Else, of course was not Jewish and Philipp was. Their children were classified as Mischling, or mixed-blood.
When confronted by the Gestapo, they were informed that if they did not divorce, then Philipp and all three of their children were to be taken to the camps. Philipp made the decision to save his children and agreed to a divorce from Else. It is not known as to custom, whether Philipp or Else was the person agreeing to the divorce. In either case, the decision would have been the most traumatic decision of either of their lives.
Else subsequently married Heinz Helwig, a nice and warm person, who thus took the responsibility of raising the children. Else lived to the age of 81, passing on November 23, 1983.
Philipp and Else's courageous act tragically meant a death sentence for Philipp. He was taken from Berlin to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, where he was murdered on July 6, 1942. He has a burial gravestone at Weissensee Jewish Cemetery in Berlin.